What is Medicare Supplemental Insurance ?

Medigap is Medicare Supplement Insurance that helps fill “gaps” in Original Medicare and is sold by private companies. Original Medicare pays for much, but not all, of the cost for covered health care services and supplies. A Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy can help pay some of the remaining health care costs, like:

  1. You must have Medicare Part A and Part B.
  2. A Medigap policy is different from a Medicare Advantage Plan.  Those plans are ways to get Medicare benefits, while a Medigap policy only supplements your Original Medicare benefits.
  3. You pay the private insurance company a monthly
    premium for your Medigap policy. You pay this monthly premium in addition to the monthly Part B premium that you pay to Medicare.
  4. A Medigap policy only covers one person. If you and your spouse both want Medigap coverage, you’ll each have to buy separate policies.
  5. You can buy a Medigap policy from any insurance company that’s licensed in your state to sell one.
  6. Any standardized Medigap policy is guaranteed renewable even if you have health problems. This means the insurance company can’t cancel your Medigap policy as long as you pay the premium.
  7. Some Medigap policies sold in the past cover prescription drugs. But, Medigap policies sold after January 1, 2006 aren’t allowed to include prescription drug coverage. If you want prescription drug coverage, you can join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D). If you buy Medigap and a Medicare drug plan from the same company, you may need to make 2 separate premium payments. Contact the company to find out how to pay your premiums.
  8. It’s illegal for anyone to sell you a Medigap policy if you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, unless you’re switching back to Original Medicare.

It is important to note that Medigap policies don’t cover everything. 

Medigap policies generally don’t cover long-term care (like non-skilled care you get in a nursing home), vision or dental services, hearing aids, eyeglasses, or private-duty nursing.

Services Not Covered By Original Medicare

Some Medigap policies also cover services that Original Medicare doesn’t cover, like medical care when you travel outside the U.S. If you have Original Medicare and you buy a Medigap policy, here’s what happens:

Foreign travel emergency coverage with Medigap policies has a lifetime limit of $50,000.

Your Medigap policy may offer additional coverage for emergency health care services or supplies that you get outside the U.S. Standard Medigap Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N provide foreign travel emergency health coverage when you travel outside the U.S. If you have Medigap Plan C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M or N, your plan:

  • Covers foreign travel emergency care if it begins during the first 60 days of your trip, and if Medicare doesn’t otherwise cover the care.
  • Pays 80% of the billed charges for certain  medically necessary emergency care outside the U.S. after you meet a $250  deductible for the year.

Hospital & Inpatient Care

It all began in 1986 when Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL) identified the need for high-quality care services for people living with this chronic disease.

By 1999, MSL recognised the time had come to establish NanoCare as a separate legal entity. A savvy and experienced Board was appointed and we were firmly on the path to growth.

This growth was boosted by a series of acquisitions within the care sector between 2001 and 2008. By then, we had earned a reputation as an experienced and sizeable private care service provider.

In 2010, the purchase and integration of Nationwide Health & Aged Care Services represented a major milestone in our growth as specialist cleaning and laundry services bolstered our business portfolio.

At around the same time, NanoCare partnered with the US-based Healthcare at Home.  In 2013, NanoCare acquired the business. This nurse-led service has provided a safe, high-quality alternative to hospital care for people with cancer and chronic disease.

Today, we are proud to continue our work as a wholly-owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of MSL

Doctor Visits & Outpatient Care

It all began in 1986 when Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL) identified the need for high-quality care services for people living with this chronic disease.

By 1999, MSL recognised the time had come to establish NanoCare as a separate legal entity. A savvy and experienced Board was appointed and we were firmly on the path to growth.

This growth was boosted by a series of acquisitions within the care sector between 2001 and 2008. By then, we had earned a reputation as an experienced and sizeable private care service provider.

In 2010, the purchase and integration of Nationwide Health & Aged Care Services represented a major milestone in our growth as specialist cleaning and laundry services bolstered our business portfolio.

At around the same time, NanoCare partnered with the US-based Healthcare at Home.  In 2013, NanoCare acquired the business. This nurse-led service has provided a safe, high-quality alternative to hospital care for people with cancer and chronic disease.

Today, we are proud to continue our work as a wholly-owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of MSL

Combined A & B Plan

It all began in 1986 when Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL) identified the need for high-quality care services for people living with this chronic disease.

By 1999, MSL recognised the time had come to establish NanoCare as a separate legal entity. A savvy and experienced Board was appointed and we were firmly on the path to growth.

This growth was boosted by a series of acquisitions within the care sector between 2001 and 2008. By then, we had earned a reputation as an experienced and sizeable private care service provider.

In 2010, the purchase and integration of Nationwide Health & Aged Care Services represented a major milestone in our growth as specialist cleaning and laundry services bolstered our business portfolio.

At around the same time, NanoCare partnered with the US-based Healthcare at Home.  In 2013, NanoCare acquired the business. This nurse-led service has provided a safe, high-quality alternative to hospital care for people with cancer and chronic disease.

Today, we are proud to continue our work as a wholly-owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of MSL

Prescription Drug Coverage

NanoCare is committed to providing high-quality health care services to individual clients and their families, as well as to other healthcare organizations in need of supplemental staffing (such as certified home health and hospice agencies, health plans, hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities).

Our priority is to provide state-of-the-art and compassionate in-home care from highly-trained medical professionals and aides. To make good on this promise, proper training is paramount. Not only do we hire the most experienced personnel, but we provide them with in-depth disease-specific training so that they can deliver specialized care to our clients.

At NanoCare, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to live a healthy, active and fulfilling life. This ethos is at the heart of everything we do.

We provide everyone we support with the opportunity to continue to live life to the full. We actively encourage Service Users to become more self-reliant, to make decisions for themselves, and ultimately, to move on to more independent living arrangements.

We facilitate and support our Service Users to pursue meaningful and personalised lifestyles. We provide individually planned education & leisure opportunities to support each individual in their ongoing development.

Our leadership team

Our home health care management team is highly experienced in delivering exceptional care and support for clients – regardless of age or specific medical needs.

The leadership team at NanoCare discusses what home care means to them and how NanoCare is changing the way the world ages.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley


For her role at the helm of NanoCare, Keira has been honored as Women Health Care Executives 2016 Woman of the Year.

John henry

John henry


John henry is the co-founder of NanoCare. He has over 27 years of financial and business management experience.

Sophia jabola

Sophia jabola

VP of Franchise Development

She is currently responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Payroll, Billing and Collection departments.

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    Birth date is only required if you are interested in a Medicare Supplement policy, and is used to quote rates. Your personal info is 100% protected by our Privacy Policy. This is a solicitation for insurance, a member of our team will contact you to discuss your Medicare options. Our licensed agent will assist you with Medicare Supplement plan options, Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare drug plans.

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